
Yes. A golf umbrella. Those fit-in-your-purse or fit-in-you-backpack ones are just to small.

Synthetic grass leaches toxic substances into the soil. It also reduces the insect populations, reducing food for birds.

It’s not all what it’s cracked up to be. I finally paid off my house last September.

“Legal” is a relative term. It may be legal at the state level where you live, but how does your employer see it? Some employers are tied to federal dollars and regulations where even if your bosses have no issue, they have to follow federal law. I live and work in a recreational use state, but my employer has a zero

It was all so much easier “cooking on the spit” when some of us were kids. Not all the hype, expensive tools, temperature checks, etc., too many rely on today.

It was all so much easier “cooking on the spit” when some of us were kids. Not all the hype, expensive tools, temperature checks, etc., too many rely on today.

NBC congratulates itself they are broadcasting the Olympics for the umpteenth time. But if watching the opening ceremonies are any indication, it will be the umpteenth time NBC still hasn’t learned; you do not need to fill every audio moment with statistics and mindless chatter.

Rand Paul is a doctor of ophthalmology. He is not board certified. He whined when the Board changed lifetime certification to ten-year certification. So he created his own board certification that no other credible medical institution recognizes, not even the insurance companies. His own Board was dissolved twice by

I was taught this as a kid.  Don’t parents teach this anymore?

Slow dating?  You mean the manner previous generations dated, without smartphones, tablets, the Internet, and so much it’s-all-about-me attitudes?

Better still, dump Chrome and use a more secure browser based on the open-source Chromium project, but without Google’s security meddling:

If you plan to live in your home until you die, then paint your tile. It’s your home. Do what you want.

Much ado about nothing.

Never, ever use a wire brush. The wire bristles break off (sometimes tiny pieces) and it’s possible they can embed in food.

Delta is gonna hit hard this fall and winter on the anti-vax, anti-mask, Flat Earther crowd.

“If you have nothing to hide,you have nothing to fear.” That’s been the mantra of the right wing and law and order types for years. If the police pull you over and they ask to search your vehicle, the right wing says yes because if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. No mention you have a right to

Oh, the techno gizmos to make a great meal every time! Anyone can be a great charcoal chef! Pffffft!

The report only covers 144 selected military encounters between 2004 and 2021. It not not address the thousands of commercial and private pilot encounters during that same time.

If you replace a two-pronged outlet with a three-pronged outlet without the required grounding wire you risk a legal liability, not to mention a potential shock (or death). Any resulting fire, injury, or death may mean you are also not covered by your homeowners and/or liability insurance.

The vaccines don’t use any part of the virus.  The vaccines use mRNA.  Any boosters will follow a similar path.