
Make sure you record in landscape mode! Landscape mode is a horizontal orientationof the camera. If this still doesn’t make sense, please look it up now. Don’t wait until you are recording something to figure it out.

He came close to being a Darwin Award nominee.  Unless he changes his behavior, he still might become a nominee. 

Poorly written question. The virus doesn’t know if you’ve been vaccinated or not. It’s after you have been infected by the virus that counts. If you haven’t been vaccinated, your chances of coming down with a full-blown illness (including dying) are very high. On the other hand, if you had been vaccinated, then

Simple vaccine passport. Photograph both sides of the COVID-19 vaccination card with your smartphone camera.

Our family basement never had a musty smell. We were proactive.

My state allows for recreational use. However, my employer follows federal law, including any use of CBD products as illegal.

If you value your hearing, and want it past age 25, never use ear buds.  Over the ear headphones are much safer.

Let me fix that for you:

Sure sounds like Row’s show is a blatant ripoff of Connections.

The author’s home does not have cats.

If “world’s sexiest bald man”is the only factor, Prince Willy doesn’t cut it. If attitude and personality are also factors, Prince Willy’s milquetoast denial about racism in his family disqualifies him forever.

With enough ships backing up in the Red Sea, Iran is in the catbird seat.  Iran can cripple the world economy with one surreptitious attack upon several of those backed up ships.

Dominion Voting Systems was smart. They went after individuals first, got them to capitulate (in affect admitting they did wrong), and now they are going after the company that employs them.  Gonna be real hard for Fox to deny when their employees got caught doing it and admitted to it.

But the still won’t bring back multi-line tabs, a la Tab Mix Plus.

“There’s a sucker born every minute” - Attributed to P.T. Barnum (1892)

Let’s just see how the college-age, self-absorbed children in Florida pan out, AFTER they all return home or back on campus. Add three weeks.

(Publicly-owned utilities are generally nonprofits, so this incentive structure doesn’t exist since there are no shareholders to appease.)

Don’t like Nebraska?  Then avoid Kansas like the Plague!!!

So let’s see ...

If your vanity is so important you have to go to a gym to stay in shape ...