
Have been sleeping the past dozen years?

“Once your income is stable again and you can afford the basics, you may return to your previous debt repayment plans.”

Here’s some cheese to go with your Eastern whine. Try living with smoke so thick it’s night at Noon and the air quality index can only be measured with quantum physics. Now try living than way as we enter Week Two of this crap ...

Oh, pleeeze! Go get married on October 10 as planned. Just get a Justice of the Peace or someone ordained by the Universal Church to perform the legal ceremony. Later, renew the vows with your lavish money-waster ceremony when the Sun shines, the seas part, and white doves fly away.

The Boeing 737 Max is an inherently failed design for commercial aircraft. It is a kluge created solely to compete with a better Airbus design because Boeing had nothing in the design pipeline to compete. So Boeing cheated strictly for corporate profit. Nothing can be done to make the design safe for commercial air

“Create a Schedule of Little Things to Look Forward To”

In this time of COVID-19 why go to a gym in the first place? Staying active is one thing. Staying safe, healthy, and alive is another.

Every no-kill shelter where I live will not allow adoptions to any family with children younger than 12 years of age. Period. Full stop. Their experience has shown young children lack the mental and emotional maturity for a pet. And if you dig deeper, it also stops Moms and Dads who think a pet would be a pseudo baby

It’s getting more and more difficult for the judges to select the best for the next Darwin Awards.  So many identical entries.

You must be signed up to be part of the Neilsen ratings system in order to be counted.  Since most of us are not, watch it, or not.  It will never get counted in the ratings.

It’s so much fun when a younger generation discovers something, claiming it’s new, when this “hack” has been around for generations.

I’ve been an advocate for this website for a very long time. I’ve watched it expand from just Canada to now all across North America and beyond.

“As Congress continues to debate the next stimulus package, President Donald Trump made headlines by signing four executive orders on Saturday.”

Never, ever hike with a dog in bear, moose, or elk country.  You only make it worse for yourself, and the dog.  And on federal lands if you do, the dog must be on a leash at all times.

Already mentioned, but needs repeating.

Victims of assault and rape do not often publicly share what happened to them. Everyone else just sees another selfish person not wearing a mask. One can empathize with them, but the cold, direct, and very blunt reality is everyone needs to wear a mask.

Yesterday, Trump threatened an Executive Order requiring the post office not to deliver mail-in ballots. (You know, because they are all so fraudulent.)

Stick a fork in Ellen.  She’s done.

Commissioner Frank Reagan would not stand for this, except allowing his hot head son, Danny, to do it.

No shoes.
No shirt.
No mask.
No service.
No exceptions.