
And yet ....

This must be a generational, social media thingie.  What I have on my phone means I never lend it to anyone.  And yes, that it includes allowing someone to use my phone to make a call.  Never as in NEVER.

Even writing this article shows an ignorance level of far too many people.

With COVID-19 the dominant factor in our lives, there are regular and constant comparisons to other diseases and pandemics. The one that springs to mind frequently is the Spanish Flu of 1918-1919.

HR is a management function. It exists to maintain the organization at the behest of management.   HR is *not* your friend.

There are no such thing as coincidences. The event may not have made the FBI “standard” it was hate crime, but the FBI did not address the actual significance of the noose in the first place.

Perhaps the article title should be changed to, “How To Be Selfish and Rude With Extra Carryons Because It’s All About Me”

If you spend the time and effort reading the real science journals, you may not sleep at night for a week or more.  The science is saying the virus will not abate until several million Americans are dead and 70 percent of the US population has contracted it. This will occur regardless if there is a vaccine.

None of these techno ideas work. None will change human behavior because there is no reward or punishment involved. You change behavior by making cell phone use while driving:

Kettle, meet black. You might want to start with your own website, lifehacker.

Your article headline is misleading and incorrect. Baskin gets the land, but she doesn’t get the zoo. If she got the zoo as part of the judgement, she would have taken possession of the animals as well. She did not.

No need for a scientific study to confirm what common sense makes blatantly obvious.

Categorizing every national park was created by tossing Native Peoples off of their lands is not just over the top, but disingenuous.

Don’t waste your money. The cat tower is cheaply made, especially the “400g skin-friendly plush covering” which nothing more than a Walmart quality fake fur blanket stapled to the crappy particleboard. Any cat worth their claws will shred it the very first time they scratch at it.

Don’t waste your money. The cat tower is cheaply made, especially the “400g skin-friendly plush covering” which