Wookiees in Movie Battles 2 are still more fun to play (and can melee brawl stormtrooper’s arms right off)
Wookiees in Movie Battles 2 are still more fun to play (and can melee brawl stormtrooper’s arms right off)
If you guys want a Counter Strike / Team Fortress Star Wars game with objectives and 5 minute rounds please check out Movie Battles II for Jedi Academy, we are always adding new content!
Movie Battles 2 guys, always getting new content:
This has caused all the mods for the game (which I’ll remind everyone that the current Battlefront does NOT have modding tools, thus further making this a black eye to Star Wars fans as this was the last true Star Wars to allow for *FREE* custom content) to stop working. Also I believe the resurrection will only last…
The guy actually released a game on a major console, most of us indie game developers (myself included) have yet to do the same. I tip my hat to him, game quality aside he did what most of us dream of doing “someday”
Meanwhile the Star Wars mod that has outlasted *every* Battlefront so far is still alive and kicking, may not have the graphics but has the gameplay (and saber combat) that Battlefront failed to do. Also the base game (Jedi Academy) is like 10-20 bucks these days on Steam, far more content and enjoyment than any one…
Good evening everyone, while DICE gets their ducks in a row with all this and given the general opinion that this game is lacking gameplay substance, I invite all Star Wars fans to try out Movie Battles 2 (https://www.moviebattles.org/), a free total conversion mod for Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (currently…