
Yes, but every religious person believes in something that can be construed as a ridiculous fairytale by others.

The problem with this, aside from the fact that it’s insane, is that almost anyone would be preferable to Trump? What’s that you say? Clinton is actually just a walking, talking tower of gerbils? Well, they’re less racist and less likely to start a nuclear war than the other guy, so whatever.

I’m going to take what might be a controversial stand here. First, know that I am speaking as a former ED nurse and certified forensic nurse, a sexual assault survivor, a sexual and domestic violence victim advocate, and a soon-to-be lawyer.

You did a pretty terrible job of giving up on Kotaku.

I’m just going to say this:

In all fairness having some random offender (as in convicted and released) live next door to you likely doesn’t put your kids in danger. It’s non-convicts and first time offenders who are likely to do it (since no one is watching them). To boot a victim is usually related to their offender or said offender is a close

Yes, because it’s not enough for Trump to lose the election; he must lose in a landslide of epic proportions, and drag downticket republicans down with him. Because nothing short of total and humiliating defeat not just for Trump, but for all republicans (who gave rise this phenomenon in the first place by stoking

As a college professor I can only speak from my experience and here it is: trigger warnings are used by students mainly as a way of getting out of work or for not having to read literature that they don’t want to. In legit cases (such as a veteran fresh from Afghanistan who didn’t want to watch a segment of Band of

That’s what I was thinking, actually. My husband and I both live and travel incredibly well together, but the stress/uncertainty/unfamiliarity of travel amps everything up. I don’t think we’ve ever been anywhere where we didn’t each have our own tantrum at least once. Apologies and forgiveness are both quick to come,

I am an XXy woman. I successfully conceived and delivered my child. I have naturally occurring high levels of testosterone. I am also a sofa schlub. There’s no way in hell I or my android pelvis could perform as well as the *LEAST* testosterone laden of the competitors.

“Quelle absurdité blanche est-ce?”

As a polyamorous person, this is some bullshit. Humans aren’t built for monogamy or non-monogamy, just like women aren’t hardwired for empathy and men for conquest, they are just human, with infinite variety and desires. Some people find monogamy works for them, some don’t. If you’re one of those that don’t you should

Ok, so speaking of celebrities at Disneyland- one time I met Zachary Levi there, and he was quite possibly the NICEST human ever and he took a picture and was basically one hundred percent chill. Then I saw him later, and he gave me a head nod, unprompted, like a “Hey, I remember earlier today when you got all sweaty

Any man who would oppose safe spaces for women probably has a lot to hide. Sure technically these spaces may be illegal but any decent man would understand why they need to exist and wouldn’t be against them. This isn’t about equality. It’s about safety. Women need to be protected from men. As long as men continue to

Just the other month my 7 year old was like “Is there anything that’s legal now that used to be illegal?” and I said “oh yeah, sure. Lots of things” and he wanted to know. So I was like “Well, women used to not be allowed to vote and now we can. Alcohol was legal, then it was illegal for a while and now it’s legal

Pretty much this. Except I was the child parents THINK they’re going to have, the one who doesn't understand. I remember being a kid and seeing two guys kissing in Central Park and asking my parents about it. They were like “sometimes men fall in love with men and women fall in love with women.” I was completely

I’m a dadaist. There is nothing that says the dissolution of meaning like 2016. AMIRITE?

A good way to put yourself in the shoes of the average Sovereign Citizen is to imagine that you live in a world where the government is actually made out of wizards, and if you know the right magic spells you can make it go away.