
Hey, there are worse things. Haggis comes to mind. (which is not all bad, tbh.)

Is it weird that I read that as “to support a friend’s memorial *fraud*”?

Depends on the moms, I’d think, and on the person developing the fetish...

Huh, I’m surprised that our Target is actually progressive—of the 5 employees I’ve ever interacted with in electronics, 3 were female. May just be down to the entire store employing more women, I don’t know.

Well, not to defend him exactly, but... he’s not wrong? I’ve been through that town, and saw nothing to contradict his assessment and much to support it.

Not that uncommon in Japan, actually. Back when Nintendo was suffering a shortfall, Satoru Iwata (and a think a few of his top executives) took pay cuts so that their employees wouldn’t suffer any cuts. It’s just good business—it builds morale, shows workers they are appreciated, and (perhaps most convincingly to

That is appalling. Our policy (and that of many other universities, I’m sure) is that anyone reporting anything gets clemency; so that, for example, an underage drinker can get help for someone dying of alcohol poisoning rather than just letting them die because they’re afraid of student conduct sanctions. Sanctioning

I’d guess you’re somewhere more progressive than us—we went twice because we just enjoyed it that much, but the first time, opening weekend (matinee, but still), there were only 8-10 other people in there with us. We all made as much noise laughing as you usually get out of a full crowd, for what it’s worth.

Honestly that’s just insulting to anuses, which serve a vital function.

Just from a technical standpoint, it honestly would. API connections would still tax the servers running the game, as they’d have to forward most every query—with position and type changing so often, they wouldn’t be able to cache responses for long without becoming useless. Would it be enough of a server hit to make

He? Blanche? He?

So glad to hear you’re doing this—you sound like the right kind of parent. I’ve begun to get really sick of backlash from people who are now convinced that just because a couple idiots are treating it like a diet fad that it isn’t a serious issue that can mean hours of pain or in more extreme cases hospitalization.

I feel like if you miss that, you deserve it—I only speak French and I caught the gist.

That’s kinda been my experience, too. There do seem to be a lot of us in Mystic who are just not that competitive, just having fun with it, and then occasionally knocking Valor down a peg when they get too uppity. But Instinct does seem to be pretty relaxed for the most part. I really feel like many people

Oh, all I was saying is that nothing is monolithic, and witnessing major events firsthand has a lasting effect on people. Young people tend to forget that elderly people were once young, and had just as much occasion to change inherited patterns of thought. For every person marching, there were many affected by it

Yeah, there’s actually quite a few of them. Remember that an 80-year-old was 29 when the Selma march happened.

I got into it once with a cop who was anti gun control. Luckily it was a fairly civil discussion, so I was able to get past the abstracts and into specific situations. Turns out we had the exact same idea for the potential solution, he just didn’t know that when we say “gun control”, we mean “don’t let just anyone


It sometimes feels like sociopathy is the new patriotism, and it just makes me want to leave. A passing car this morning had a flag flying from the antenna, and my first reaction was disgust followed by fear. I hate that a symbol I used to actually care very deeply about has become a symbol of hatred.

Maybe the idea is that starvation is the best motivator and... something something bootstraps?