Embrace it—recite a line or two as you order. “Caviar. Myanmar. Mid-sized car. PINOOOT NOOOIR!”
Embrace it—recite a line or two as you order. “Caviar. Myanmar. Mid-sized car. PINOOOT NOOOIR!”
Well, a few weeks ago I decided to throw a merrow guarding a bridge at the group I DM for, and completely forgot that the druid speaks abyssal, and proceeded to flirt with said demonic merman, rolling a natural 20. So instead of what I planned as a pretty tough fight, the druid now has a chaotic evil underwater…
See, I thought offloading all of the interminable explanations was a good thing—there are few things in games I dislike more than having to sit through a cutscene of the characters endlessly and artificially belaboring plot points just to make sure the player got it. That’s simply bad writing. FFXIII’s cutscenes at…
Your “time has passed”? That’s just bull. FWIW, my experience has been that couples who have children later tend to appreciate them more; too often kids whose conceptions were accidental get made to feel unwanted. Best of luck to you and your family, with all the big changes you’ve got coming.
That kinda makes sense, in a way—getting a Ph.D is hard on relationships, and having your first child is also stressful. It makes sense to hold off on having kids until you’ll really be able to devote the proper amount of time to them. Still uncalled for to *tell* people not to have kids; if your relationship’s solid…
I wouldn’t quite say *way* too young, but I did miss it by roughly a decade; I do at least remember hearing about it in history classes.
Yeah, I can’t say I understand all the factors going into that schism. I should have been clearer with that prior post, apparently—didn’t mean to imply that it was just that she wasn’t African enough, but that was her take on why they had a problem with her. I imagine there are many “reasons” for it, none of them…
Because African-Americans are generally of mixed descent (as are all other Americans—we *are* kind of a melting pot, even if we often act more like a tossed salad). African-Americans have on average, depending on the source, 20-30% European ancestry as well as 1-3% Native American (http://www.theroot.com/articles/histo…
I’d say it’s of as much relevance as you’d like to make it. She’s of mixed European and African ethnicities, as are most who identify as African-Americans. Granted, not as many here in the states with East African ancestry, but are we being that picky? In terms of nationality, is there any reason to insist that, say,…
“Women in comfortable shoes” was the one I always heard.
I renamed him Alton Mrown because I just can’t stand Guy Fieri.
No, ideally they should get educated rather than shut down. It gets more complicated when you have equally valid interpretations vying—although people can also get really defensive when you show them just how invalid their interpretation really is.
There is an Asian actor playing Wong. (His last name is also Wong, actually.) They did at least cast Chiwetel Ejiofor as Baron Mordo, and it’s not just as “hey let’s make the villain a black guy”—Mordo may canonically be a rival, but he’s working with Strange in this one.
I really hate that people overusing the concept has made you feel this way. Trigger warnings are great for people with actual trauma triggers, but some people have taken them over as a way to demand that they never have to engage with something they don’t like, which is not the idea at all.
Yeah, that was just... maybe there were more D&D references further up in the piece? That just seems out of nowhere, nonsensical. But then, so does everything after it, so...
Honestly, it would be worth clarifying that he answered the question. I’ve seen a number of articles today claiming that he dodged the question rather than saying that he answered a two-part question in two parts—this comments section is in fact the first place I’ve seen it mentioned that he answered the second part…
Thanks for this article—it’s nice to see actual thoughtful and balanced reporting. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.
My bad, I did not read closely at all—I was thinking getting kids out of orphanages and into stable homes, not taking away people’s kids ‘cause they’re poor... also obviously didn’t realize this was from over a month ago! Just so happens I’m on cold meds today, so can I borrow your excuse? ^ _ ^
I fail to see how this would constitute a *dys*topia.
Thanks for this article on comics history I missed—this happened between when I stopped collecting in the early 90s and picked it back up a few years ago. (I think you mean mythoi, though.)