
We can certainly tell you’re not at all completely biased and likely a misandrist. You’re one of the first people I’ve ever suggested that about. The other being someone who outright stated they didn’t trust men, believed they were all violent, liars, hated and lacked respect for women and were cruel and vile animals.

hahaha “Have sex with people who are not inebriated and are enthusiastic and clearly enjoying it through the whole process.” - Rethink this statement. What you’re suggesting here (likely unintentionally.) is that if one party doesn’t enjoy it that it is indeed rape, even if they were enthusiastic and gave

Read my earlier post, you are demonstrably wrong.

You really fell off the deep end here, you made a lot of false assumptions here and a lot of this boils down to guilt by association. To suggest his innocence is NOT to suggest her guilt, that’s a false dilemma/false Dichotomy. You’re missing something here...and that is that it’s possible to be wrong about something

Are you suggesting it’s ok to revoke consent after you’ve been intimate with a person? I’m not accusing you here, I’m asking you to clarify.

I’m not going to point out the fallacies here (especially with that last point.) but I will still respond. The aforementioned example would be a false rape accusation, the issue is people associate false rape allegations with malice when perhaps that shouldn’t be inherently assumed. Would we assume malice if one

You didn’t learn anything in this article about how they viewed their only learned how the author interpreted what was there. Available are a variety of studies (that often conflict with each other.) as to how people perceived not only the world around them, each other and their society...but also

I think it would be easier if people stopped letting history getting in the way. Previous atrocities need to be let go if we plan to move on. Too much guilt by association.....or indeed ethnicity or sex that is happening today.

I’ve already replied to the person claiming to be the editor of this article above, contained in it is probably about everything I want to say about the actual article right now (yes I simplified it, yes that probably wasn’t what you meant, yes it was rushed through and a bit of a ‘spur of the moment thing’.)

I certainly do not agree with feminists on a lot of issues (or MRA’s for that matter...or anyone haha.) but I did partially agree with some of the contents of this article. I couldn’t help that a lot of this was ‘damage control’ however only those who thoroughly read it would have noticed the importance that was