“As I see it”, he says, “video games are human creations, and are thereby artifacts in and of themselves, but also contain a wealth of story and objects that lend themselves to archaeological thinking.”
For me, this story is even more enhanced by the fact that classy-ass Bo Jackson came out to help Ryan out. Bo Knew Sportsmanship.
Can he come out of retirement to beat the shit out of Yordano Ventura, too?
*Fallout shelter “turned” this player into an asshole.
Lmao if only DMC was half as good, DMC is trash.
The 2015-16 Clippers projected starting lineup:
Very true. But don't forget that this generations biggest leap isn't graphics but what you can actually do with the added processing power.
It’s like Little Big Planet only fun!
His puppet was ready.
Can’t we have both?
Damn. Might be the best surprise of E3 for me so far. I would love an updated PS4 version of the first one.
Reason #1 why the DH rule is terrible: Every fat fuck should be forced to play the field.
Wookiees live to be like 400 or something. So even if he’s 70, he’s still young.
Except Chewie is longer lived. He was an adult fighting the empire before Han was born.
You mean, in the same way Han Solo always has been just Harrison Ford in a leather jacket?
I have a good feeling about this!