
Are people in airports more important than people outside of airports? Why the disclaimer when all you do is shoot people in the game??

I love my WiiU and the WiiU games Nintendo has released. It is my go to console right now.

1 non myth: Game developers LOVE to bitch.

I am going to buy the Saga bundle today, just for the figures. Aaaannnd maybe i will play the game also :)

I was interested until you started name dropping. Then I was done...


Just like EVERY movie based on real life. It just so happens you think this is special because it is about video games.

Let me fix that headline: Out of work Aussie looking for internet fame mistakes Scooby Doo for Law and Order SVU.

Movie not 100% factual? Well butter my biscuits! That never happens... Get over it

So, the three colors Apple uses, plus one it hasn’t used in over 10 years... I am surprised there is no Rose Gold? :/

You know nothing of my hardware...

Many fat women are very sexy.

Anytime. I had a fine connection, but Thanks for your even more insightful response.

That is like god looking for a star in the universe. If you want to be a Archaeogamer, you need to develop AI that can do its own searching.

Another guy looking for fame on the internet.

“Premium Funk” sounds a lot like “Freemium Punk”

Well I’m done *drops bong*

The master sword is one of the keys to defeat Ganon! That is like playing a LOTR game and not needing to bring the ring. It is part of the story!!!

Can I still smoke weed? Because, I am going to still smoke weed.

Where is Zork?