
"She's been my anchor and I Love her."

Even Monet has more detail in the painting than this artist. The art looks good from far, but far from good.

Classy nose wipe


"How long before you go on homicidal rampage due to extreme boredom caused by a super-long wait at the DMV?"

Can I play it on my Wii U???

Well, then they will get no sale from me.

Why is this not also going to be in the eshop for the WiiU? I don't want a 3DS, but I love my Wii U.

New type of free to play game called "Not free to play", interesting... And then you can pay even more? But still are stuck in a FTP environment? Sounds like I won't be clamping my nipples and burning my ball hair with a lighter tonight. I found something more painful.

Why do we gotta watch for black ice?? This is a white ice centric post!

If you didn't get what they were saying with GTA V, you were't listening.

Do you not understand video games?

Everything I saw, put into words. Thank you.

Beautiful artwork, but I have doubts that it was drawn on those sketch books and not in PS and composited onto the book pages.

Northern European men are always youtube/instagram/snapchat stars. The blonde hair and light eyes mesmerize tweens.

Even for free, I am not using your crap Google.

Even for free, I am not using your crap Google.

You can't??? That is stupid.


Cool, thanks. Does a product like Unity have that type of easy interface?

"There's real software out there that might not be as fluffy and childlike as this, but uses a similar array of drag and drop systems to create games."