
Just like star wars, lord of the rings and harry potter, right????? I kid I kid...

When did I say it isn't for kids? Are you just looking to argue? Let me fix it once more for you.

I like how you think your opinion is definitive. That is hilarious. But, you may be right...Time will tell.

Let me fix that for you:

Just like Fox bought the hearts and minds of millions of Myspace users?

I am still waiting for Ecto cooler and Super mario soda (Yoshi Apple)

God damn it, shut up! Can't we move past mac vs PC?? What is this 1992??

care to give specs for your clearly superior PC? Or is that a secret?

Shoulda named it the Dreamcast DS

Bungie is talking about Destiny with the same breath as Lord of the rings, Star wars and harry Potter? The difference is, none of those said they were the pinnacle of fantasy storytelling before they came out. They let society determine that.

ok... Slut

So... who can I call a slut? That is all I want to do.

I just can't bring myself to buy anything Samsung. Guess it is the Crucial MX100 for me!

I just can't bring myself to buy anything Samsung. Guess it is the Crucial MX100 for me!

My gameplay has CO2 emissions? No, that was just my breakfast burrito.

This is not a joke. Pixar needs to remake the movie to fix these ASAP.

I never saw a "dude pussy", so I wouldn't know.


Ever slept with someone you regret Aleio?

I can't play The Last of Us because the fungus aspect creeps me out. If only they were regular zombies…

If you just mash X and occasionally press square, you are not playing God of War correctly.