Fable has some bad ass art direction. I love the way their games look.
Fable has some bad ass art direction. I love the way their games look.
Is this a new iOS game? I kid, I kid…
Close, but not that close
Looks like a good movie, but it is a game and without any gameplay, who cares.
The best video game trailer that shows gameplay in a long time.
Video Game trailer making 101
But, but they are the master race…. How are they having problems? Are mommy and daddy fighting?
Brad Fiedel ladies and gentlemen…
Riven is on that list, but not Myst?
I have the distinct feeling that Ubisoft thinks they are cooler than they are. Anytime I hear one of them talk, I feel the same way I feel when I play in the modern day parts of assassins creed, or any part of watch dogs. That is, I feel slightly embarrassed for them/put off by a douchey feeling. They really need to…
I wish the "hacking" took some skill and was not just to hold down the square button.
Since when is real physics (friction, or lack there of) a glitch?
It looks more like an ad for Nate Murray's programing school.
Agreed! Ubisoft needs new Creative directors.
Still no mention of Mario Kart 8 selling 1.2 mil…
Ummmm…. what?
Am I the ONLY one that prefers 30fps??
Where is the story about Mario Kart 8 selling 1.2 million?
So, like a realistic version of "Don't Starve" ?