
If I found this, I would travel to Cupertino and leave this with the front desk of Apple then walk away.

Who are you saying "of course" to?

Fucking fuck's fuck! That fucking ad just fucking sold me on how unbefuckingleavable the fucking note is! All the other fucking fuckers are fucked!

Who are you calling cracker??

Kenny G ??

Is that a guy or a girl using it??

My internet is down right now, I am posting this from a hostess cupcake in a 7/11.

Was your comment in HD?

"Is this screen HD?" That woman has no idea what HD even means!!! just a regular troll.

A little too fandroid for me, but I did like the "I am steve jobs!! Bhaaaliaaaaalalalaa"

The people who need this are the people who won't use this.

Only the Sheeple? So the Fandroids don't feel safer?

I see a 9 foot tall ad for IBM

Just because your bridge is not electric, troll, doesn't mean you have to be angry at Apple.

This guy is going to get cancer breathing those vapors.

Seems perfect for viewing on a Macbook Pro Retina display.

Hilarious and thought provoking!

T-Rex is awesome, but where is the Velociraptor??

And you are a prize pig?