
Seems like pretty basic Visual effects.

Does the bag come with $300 inside?

Don't forget this product for all the female iPhone users:

What is the thinking by putting the words "HD video" on the back? Seems so tacky.

Fleshlights are so cold these days, where is the romance?


If I wear a Super Mario Bros. T-shirt with this belt, I am almost an arcade machine.

Oh sarcasm/

Ancient Aliens anybody??

Don't whip it out in public is always good advice.

Yea, it was called Apple music, and they sued Apple inc. not the other way around. Do go home troll, go home.

Dear troll, the internet doesn't want you anymore. Please crawl back into your parents bed and die.

Dogs FTW!!!


"In a vacuum the iPhone 5 is actually really exciting" Exactly!

You will get even more benefit from going back to your troll cave.

I know exactly what it is missing...Steve.

I think he means every iPhone release. But I kind of agree, it is missing something special. Maybe I just miss Steve :(

Doesn't matter, I want a life that I don't have to look at ads all f'n day!

Apple never showed photos that they said were shot with the iPhone that weren't.