
@FermentedDischarge: wow, clearly those down low aren't exactly breathing the clean air either.

@PaddyDugan: " Also, as a teacher, I have seen many an extensive CD collection in the hands of kids, and I rarely see music that has been purchased."

@PaddyDugan: " Also, as a teacher, I have seen many an extensive CD collection in the hands of kids, and I rarely see music that has been purchased."

@PaddyDugan: " Also, as a teacher, I have seen many an extensive CD collection in the hands of kids, and I rarely see music that has been purchased."

@freedomweasel: Good examples. Don't forget this one. "could you get something for me from the 'fridge?" Most people think that 'fridge is a shortening of refrigerator, when in fact, it is a shorter version of Frigidaire, an early manufacturer of refrigerators.

@Mike43110:"If two people are using the toilet at the same time, somebody is going to say F this and go pop a squat outside. "

@fughedaboudit: Now that's some funny, esoteric humor right there.

@KamWrex: Hundreds of thousands of stoves next to hundreds of thousands of refridgerators in hundreds of thousands of kitehens around the world. If it was as big a problem as you suggest it is, I think someone else would have noticed it too (your anicdotal evidence is just that, yours).

@locomodo: They don't. Only shallow cable gets trenched. That goes much more slowly.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Not sure of the point you were making but just for the sake of clarity and completeness, bing is also a real word meaning (unfortunately for Microsoft, who apparently didn't do their due diligence) "a heap or pile."

@vinod1978: Incorrectly skewing facts in apple's favor, as usual.

@Sunburn_summer: If you are the true omni-OS using person that you claim to be, then why are you so offend by my comment to ANOTHER poster, that you felt the need to jump in, insult me, and defend the Cult Of Apple. My guess is you're full of rotting fruit. As for Mr. Jobs Charisma, reference one Mr. Hughes. Steve

@vinod1978: News Flash: Cult member does not see anything wrong with false statements made by Cult leader. Film at 11 (unless you have a PC).

@akuma_619: Not to mention what he dried to do to Westinghouse. He was a total douche.

@mediatone: It just amazes me how many people are totally unable to view something in a context other than their own small sphere of experience.

@techynottreky: Everything you said in this thread is wrong.

@blyan: Um, what? Do you know who the number two developer/seller of software for the Mac platform is, JUST behind apple itself? Microsoft. Do you know who doesn't have a fucking clue how to code for the Windows platform? Apple.

I guess I'd have to choose die, because that sure wasn't funny.

@Risingnox: Are you saying that you think that the parks are yellow in the map you linked to? That is green, no doubt about it.