
"Reading this made me feel the author is just an Apple fanboy upset that they 'compared' the iPhone to a burrito, even though that wasn't really what was happening at all."

Well, Chipolte never made me throw up, but the iPhone sure does make me sick to my stomache. Does that count? :-D

Don't you mean "did she want FRIED with that"? :-)

This! You don't spend 20+ years building a paradime and educating users on how to use it, then just throw it all out.

Sam Moreau.

Not that I approve of the extent that this article goes to, but you can't defame someone by publishing the truth.

It is NOT his. That is the point. Why is this tripping everyone up? It is in his poesession, but he took it (I'm sure with honest intent) without permission. He signed contracts with the U.S. government. You read the legalise above. The document was not released to him, therfore it is still the property of the

Except you cannot know that it would not have been preserved anyway. It is entirely possible that this document could have been the centerpiece of a Smithsonian display for the last half century, bringing enjoyment to millions and enriching the funds of the museum, therefore allowing them to showcase even more

you are wrong. This is NOT ancient history. This is AMERICAN history. It belongs to the American people, not to Jim Lovell, hero or not, and not to a private collector.

"I suppose Apple could have implemented user selectable backgrounds, but they stupidly decided to make a better product instead. What a waste of engineering talent. "

Do you cheer for a particular sports team over another? Did you think your high school/college was better than the others in your area? Are you affiliated with one particular party? Do you prefer Pepsi over Coke? Do you (apparently) prefer Star Wars over Star Trek?

"The whole point of this article is that it's insensitive to the minority—non-Christians. It doesn't matter that the majority appreciates it."

As another athiest, I say to you A-fuckin'-men brother!

Nor does he have the choice to not see the Yahoo logo or the pink and blue dots that make up the flickr logo (pink and blue? I think I'm offended, is flickr telling me I should have babies). He doesn't have the choice to make the background any color he wants. Those are the downfalls of using a free service.

Damn, your posts are way too tl;dr!! You sure love to hear yourself talk (metaphorically speaking).

"Man Miraculously Saves His Life As Satellite Fragment Crashes Into His House"

Yes, you are correct. I made what was probably to broad of a generalization. Can we just say that, for the most part, when a restroom opens onto a corrodor it must swing inward?

So "Fuck You If You Don't Like Christmas" is the height of cleverness, but farting Santa is Tacky? I think Giz has an identity crisis.

Look everyone, Santa brought a judgemental douche for Christmas this year.

Ok, I've got a quizical and slightly disgusted look on my face. Oh, and I have a little blood coming from my ears. Is that what you were going for?