
Just because no one is talking doesn’t mean something isn’t there.

By the time they finish releasing all these trailers we will have seen the whole movie....

One problem in a rotating large object is mass distribution. Take the space station from 2001. If one part of the ring had more mass than any other a wobble would be induced. The rotation would loose it linearity and like a child’s top slowly winding the station would go into gyrations. Also the higher mass point

The comet orbits the sun on a 6.45 year orbit.

The comet orbits the sun on a 6.45 year orbit. It is possible but the comet also rotates every 12 hours which means the orbiter’s antenna wouldn’t be pointed at Earth very long. That is if the probe lands upright.

Arrrr dey going to da nuuclleeearrr wessellll ?

How many times do I have to tell you not to hit the nuclear weapon !!!


This is not the fridge you are looking for.....

Sure.....blame the bats......

found it on


If only........hey nice boobs !

Amazon has countered Googles’ move.....

...and your inability to perceive the humor (you know a..joke) belies your own insecurity and emotional vapidness....

I dated a very smart woman once.....she knew everything about anything. She was a Brilliant Intellectual. However, this Brilliant Intellectual became annoying when she made sure we all knew how smart she was. Infact she went from annoying to down right irritating. I finally realized this irritating Brilliant