HEY !!! How about some privacy here.....I’m making quantom dots !
Wonder what science could do with a.....brocholli fart....?
Plumbers compete to see who can have a royal flush in......Game of Thrones !
You should move to the south....you would be real popular down there....
How about...after it launches......maybe along with Giorgio Tsoukalos
You should have bashed along with the arch that horrible ball field at the corner of I-55/44 and I-70. (By the way...Cubbies beat the Cards.) Also it being Halloween why didn’t you bash Johnnie’s Dungeon party warehouse ?
I heard that it was delayed.....they had problems understanding American Customer Support.....
Sigh.....in office space....no one can hear you dream.
The Ministry of Magic denies the use of magic by an underage wizard. Also, the proper spells have been administered so that all Muggles will see a blimp.
I find these stories dark and deeply disturbing........I like it.
Only a matter of time before....The Rise of the Machines.