
Perhaps the solution that sex workers should be seeking is a more legal profession. Why is society obligated to mitigate the ill-advised and voluntary risks they expose themselves to through practices that society prohibits?

sry u already paid 4 this blog no refunds

I’m glad somebody still enjoys a nice pass during all this #MeToo nonsense.

how do you write a post on this and fail to mention that 85 #resistance democrats voted in favor of giving trump and sessions warrantless domestic spying power?!

Stop. His memo was about genetic effects on personal preferences. He cited numerous scientific studies and in no way shape or form did he imply that his female colleagues were inept at their positions.

My guess? They have some internal check of when the last packet was sent. When it wakes up, it’s sending every packet that would have been sent while it was sleeping instead of just jumping ahead to the current time. It’s really a simple code bug to overlook.

Jesus. The fact that Marky Mark is in a position to approve or veto Christopher Plummer as a co-star (and I’m assuming Michelle Williams in initial casting) is just one more example of how far we’ve fallen as a people.

Still no nightmare matchmaking huh? Honestly, the excuse for not having it in the last one never held water, and it still doesnt now.

So, let me see if I understand the source of your venom. Rich people have money. Some enterprising people realized that Barnum was right and that there really is a sucker born every minute so they decided to sell rain water to the aforementioned rich people thus making money for themselves and the people they employ

I’ll never understand liberal jealousy. If you put in the same amount of work the rich do, you might have the same success.

Please step to the left. Your democrat overlords will be providing you with a FREE Government Subsidized sandwich board!

It takes quite a sense of self-importance to believe that any ISP would even feel obligated to hire someone to troll a tech blog forum. But I do understand that voices of common sense are a rarity, and it’s popular to view those who disagree with you as trolls. If I were trolling, success around here isn’t hard to

i am all for net neutrality...but this is just a big list of IF’s and COULD’s...i mean come on. IF i go outside, a meteorite COULD hit me on the head doesn’t mean it will.

Gizmo-kudos to you, Dell, for ratcheting up the ever-deafening alarmism to new heights. If we do ever actually see the sky falling, you guys will have to add animated gifs to your headlines to get anyone’s attention.

Uh oh, I hope I can get Kotaku and Gizmodo under the same price tier. I’m guessing Splinter will be premium due to all those “alternate fact” Trump stories they keep posting.

Challenge McChallengeface accepted.

Great article. This is the type of article that used to make Gizmodo great before the focus on partisan political crap. I’m particularly interested in mankind’s efforts to explore and even harness gravitational waves to do things like probe black holes.

This does seem like quite a shotgun approach to a political statement, especially for the health editor.

It may be impossible to prevent politics from creeping into most areas of life, but the current hot-button status attests to the fact that until recent years, many arenas like sports and awards show speeches have indeed been largely able to avoid being venues for political statement. The volume of the debate is also

I don’t mean to be blunt but as an employee of a national carrier, you could not be more wrong.

A cell tower costs about 500-750k to put up for the “civil installation” (tower, concrete pad, shelter, fencing, gravel, etc), the hardware, and the licenses to use the software on said hardware. Then there’s the spectrum