
Trump’s stated goal in draining the swamp will be to remove corruption and entrenched insider politicians. “Outsider” experts like private equity titans and hedge fund CEOs are exactly the types of people that one would expect him to leverage within his administration. Granted, your wordplay spins his choices as

How about you hold off on printing those new banners and sharpening the pitchforks for 6 months, consider what just happened and the message behind it, and give the new government a chance to make a fresh start? Then focus your activism on what isn’t working or you still disagree with at that point. To paraphrase

Is now an OK time to ask that we make Gizmodo great again and return to our regularly scheduled and long abandoned focus on tech reporting?

Is now an OK time to ask that we make Gizmodo great again and return to our regularly scheduled and long abandoned focus on tech reporting?

Sometimes, but no - Pennsylvania. They’ve spearheaded some highly effective measures aimed at mitigation of salmonella.

They’ve made great strides in dealing with Salmonella - in my state only something like 0.001% of eggs are infected within a Salmonella-infected flock. You’re not going to get sick. Lick the bowl. Lick it.

It is free to play just for the weekend.