Daniel Herzig

Gossamer is unironically one of the best albums I've ever heard. So start vomiting

I love Passion Pit, but especially Gossamer. That album stands alone as their most cohesive, full album. The lyrics there perfectly complement the composition of the music, especially those last couple of tracks about his failed suicide attempt. Just thinking of that album gives me chills.
I know that this album could

I'm sorry, but floating Robin is *anything* but "understated." That cheesiness, intentional or not, absolutely killed everything that happen prior.

Mixed feelings on the ending of the episode. This was an odd episode for White Collar, but the end feels like we're circling the same point once more: is Neal good or bad? We've covered this before but it never sticks, so I'm not looking forward to another season full of Neal going bad. It's frustrating but how Neal

I know people disappear and reappear from this show but man do I want Erinn Hayes to return next season. This show is at it's best when there's (most of) the group ensemble together.

Childrens Hospital and NTSF were both on fire tonight. Both episodes were packed

Cover this show please, As an AS newcomer I find it even funnier than Children's Hospital

Cover this show please, As an AS newcomer I find it even funnier than Children's Hospital