
Few years ago I build (and released for free) an application (light email client/form) called 'SelectAndApply'. It was a one-click solution for applying against jobs on boards like Craigslist, Dice etc. That had a complete Master resume, custom resume, custom cover letter concepts etc.

@mirolator: try the latest version, no crashes with it.

@iDroid: Google (chrome) hired ex Mozilla employees ..Ben Goodger, Aaron (author of Greasemonkey and now leading Extensions in Google Chrome), so its hard to tell who copies who

Wireless USB

Good coverage of birds but limited to mainly America.

can't wait for firefox 4 minefield

@Mr.Gawn: eventually there will be an Open & Available powerful Search engine with decentralized index database.

Another, easier way might be to have multiple instances of Firefox installed and use different profiles with them. When you install browser, create a shortcut with particular profile-name.

@GumbyX: It was available in the form of Greasemonkey script since 2007. As a firefox extension it spent in Mozilla addon approval (sandbox) for a year. I gave up on it at that time. They have recently improved there sandbox-publish process by manifold.

@YardleyEfreisone: it works for firefox 2.0 to 3.7a1pre , which includes firefox 3.6 beta.