
I've always wondered if the OT seriously influenced my relationship with the military (I was 9 when Phantom Menace came out, so maybe I'm a bit too old for your thesis). Nearly all of my male relatives, including my father and grandfathers, were in the military. I did Boy Scouts and marching band as after-school

  • Tech Noir Terminator

Contents of escape pod: Lifeform, Unknown

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So, where is it on a Bones to Saw scale?

But are they going to remember this little clip by the time the real marketing push begins? I just don't see what those 16 seconds accomplish at all.

Yeah, the riff on the Star Destroyer flyover was kinda nifty, but I wonder why studios feel the need to put out these TINY TINY trailers that do nothing a news article can't. I'd rather just have six more months of nothing and then get a full-length trailer.

He played Gandalf AND Magneto with complete sincerity. Zero tongue-in-cheek.

My name is Daniel, I'm 23 and I'm currently attending GWU in Alexandria to get my M.A. in Publishing. I did undergrad at William and & Mary, where I double-majored in English and Anthropology. I just landed a part-time job at Alexandria's public library.

Yeah, it's super gross...but the whole thing is still a great scene. I wouldn't want him to take it out.

Considering how excited I was when I heard that, take comfort that you're probably less sad than I am.

Kurt Russell- Snake Plissken and Jack Burton

Never realized how cool it'd be to see my alma mater as the header image for an IO9 article.

I'll repeat what I said in the "Heroes Suddenly Becoming Jerks" thread.


"A guy walks into the doctor's office The doctor tells him you need an operation. The guy says I want a second opinion. The doctor said, okay, you're ugly too. Ba-boom boom. Was that funny"

Want proof that America's public education system has gone down the shitter? In my freshman year of high school, my science teacher had the poster of this movie hanging in his classroom.

EDIT: FIGJAM beat me to it.