
I thought a lot of issues were addressed by an over the air update including the breaking issues weeks ago? 

The whole thing looks like a generic hack and slash or should I say gunner. No story or character development at all. For the number of years they have worked on it I was expecting something more. Not some generic shooting with weak ass gameplay.

MW3 also looks worse than the first two and the effort that has gone into it can be seen. I’m guessing they believe they can put shit out now and most will buy it and they will still make a profit. Shame to see this is the way it’s going. Lots of Reddit discussions on it.

It will fit well with Starfield then. An okay Space RPG Sim but definitely not as good as everyone expected. Hopefully they don’t let us down with the next Elder Scrolls or Fallout. 

Can you even really tell the size of the main image from the article. I know it’s gone on for a long time as being a sighting of Lockness but maybe it’s miniature and someone pulling a stunt with a stick and flash light at the time.

God you’re the worst kind of faux contrarian centrist

A newspaper article about the arrest of a criminal con-man isn’t going to sway the election, you stupid twatwaffle.

Nobody even wants self driving cars. No one would buy a 100% self driving car.  The only people that want self driving cars are craphole companies like Uber that want to get out of having to pay their employees.

Can we have Bill Gates as a fight commentator just to up the ridiculousness of the scenario further. 

I was really hoping this cage match would happen and I wanted it to be refereed by Jeff Bezos, which honestly he looks like a referee. Then the winner would go onto fight Jeff Bezos where he would rip off his shirt revealing a giant dragon tattoo on his back. Then some scantily clad ladies would walk on the stage and

He makes up lies like supposedly having been invited to the titan and nearly missing death which he ended up ignoring when evidence came out he was lying and never responded too. He is an attention seeker and it is a form of narcissistic behavior to seek recognition for good deeds. He’s messed up in the head and the

He makes 100 times the money he gives away just buy giving money away and gaining viewers who hope they give him money. All the money he gives away he gets back anyways since it’s all a tax write off. He isn’t losing any money from it and it’s actually helping him make more, he just gets it back at the end of the

He is just trying to save his name after getting behind a shitty ghost kitchen by making it look like he cares about his fans and customers. Dudes super shady and another influencer con.

I bet the kids who aren’t going to go blind aren’t concerned about if he used them to make himself a little more famous or not. 

The head to body proportion is nuts. 

Let’s just bring back Pleasure Island and open it as the third park to Disneyland. Smoke shops, Breweries, & Clubs on site with trippy colorful rides. I could just imagine an Alice in Wonderland ride.

Yes, lots of titles that don't fit with the story and odd sentences that read out of place.

I get yahoo news articles popping up all the time now in my Google news feed that seem like AI wrote them. Anyone else think so and notice it?

Being a police officer should be like the draft and we pick people with clean records by drawing names out of the hat. That way you don’t get so many power tripping psychopaths wanting to be cops and doing it for the power. Just give them good pay and benefits so they want to do the job and if they are good at it let

This is going to be like Metaverse with the only people on it being FaceBook employees.