
I am not condoning his behavior. You criticizing me for saying that was the outcome of a toxic relationship upsets me. She seemed to have problems with alcohol and sobriety. He seemed to have issues controlling his emotions and well as a bit of narcissisms. That seemed like a setup for a downwards spiral to me. I had

I’ve been in some relationships that were obviously not working out and probably should have ended sooner. I was never violent, nor was my partner. 

This is the outcome of staying in a toxic relationship. If either party feels thoughts of fear or aggression in that relationship it is best to move on. Some people just are not compatible and continuing in a toxic relationship is what ended his career. She was obviously not the women he was looking for with the way

It has long been known Narcissism is a trait of leaders. They truly believe all the bullshit they say but are also great and making others believe that bullshit and eventually we see the true natures of those assholes come out.

Now playing

This explains who Q was in Star Trek and why he had such incredible power. They were always living in his simulation. Hail Q, our simulation AI overlord.

Now playing

Anyone remember this fan made series on YouTube?

He was always a piece of shit, born from parents who were also pieces of shit.

Ah okay so Altman has been who David Holz would always reference when he talked about how other firms would talk about AI like they were trying to build god, and how weird that was.

Money didn’t corrupt him. Money emboldened him. This is who he always was.

He has just chained a lot over the past several years. But again maybe he was just faking a lot. 

I wonder if this has to do with him insinuating they were building god?

Anyone who says money doesn’t corrupt, look no further than Elon Musk.

Are there no white Jewish people anymore?

magic intelligence in the sky

John Carmack started an AGI company in 2022. Looks like they are progressing somewhat even if their website has nothing to show.

I don’t like Elon any more than the next person here, but scalpers are worse, and any attempt to curb scalpers is a step in the right direction in my book. It sounds like in that first year that they specify that you still have a full warranty and you can sell it back to Tesla if you’re legitimately just trying to

Am I the only one here who doesn’t have a problem with this and actually thinks it’s a good thing? It seems to be a straight up consumer protection thing to make sure the people who want these trucks are able to get them at a “reasonable” price. People who buy cars only to resell them at a markup are leeches on the

I feel like this means we won’t be seeing the Steam Deck 2 anytime in the next year.

Does that mean no more Kermit the Frog, Baddie Hunter” videos on YouTube?