
Did you accept Venmo or PayPal when Apple paid you?


APox Calypse Virus

Amazon G0 charges almost twice as much as 711 and other convenient stores. It’s a cool concept to just grab groceries and leave without having to deal with anyone but not when you pay twice as much for them. A Monster energy at the one near me was marked up to $5.29 and a small bag of chips was also over 5. Its kind

This is what happens when you fire developers and hire AI to do your programming. 

Mine is doing that as well. I imagine a developer was tinkering with things and missed a closing tag or something. 

Yes, Tik Tok is definitely an anti-semite company. Also anti-Muslim, anti-American, anti-democracy (just like Republicans are, so there’s that), and 100% pro whatever the fuck the Chinese government tells them they are pro for.

Here comes the Greed Machine!!! Choo Choo.....

You know it is. Just like they used to (still do?) show people different prices depending on Logins, Device browsing, IP, etc.

100% Certain this is all true!

Welcome to monopolistic capitalism. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

MW3 also looks worse than the first two and the effort that has gone into it can be seen. I’m guessing they believe they can put shit out now and most will buy it and they will still make a profit. Shame to see this is the way it’s going. Lots of Reddit discussions on it.

This as China, Russia, & North Korea work together to finish completion of SkyNet network.

Anyone who disputes or says anything negative concerning Elon or his views is misinformation I guess.

Musk knows ‘misinformation’ isn’t necessarily just information he doesn’t like, right?

In other news, Elon continues to lose money posting misinformation on X.

That’s the model of big banks: Socialize the risks, privatize the rewards. If we make money, we keep it. If we lose money, the public pays for it.

When you declare bankruptcy that doesn’t mean that the government pays off your debt for you. These banks would just be out the money.

then their customers foot the bill!

It doesn’t necessarily mean that, but it can sometimes mean that. Congress has passed laws like that many dozens of times. Taxpayers cover corporate debt so that there are fewer disruptions. (Supposedly, the “benefit” to us is more stability in the economy. But there are plenty of arguments to use that money in other