
I, for one, welcome our AI overlords.  Gort for President 2024!

The problem with regulation is it causes things to get much more expensive. One of the reasons the housing market is so expensive in California is because there are so many regulations that add up into fees for various permits to get anything done vs other states. AI will most likely have multiple test, certifications,

Why do they does he keep trying to charge for something that is getting worse and worse?

“I keep hitting myself in the head with this hammer and it keeps hurting!”

Does anyone else feel more depressed when they see technology like this and think more about the way the future is heading? I can’t be the only one. 

The more I hear about the vison pro/s the more I feel it is doomed to fail. I feel Apple’s walled garden is finally starting to see its downfall. If they opened the vision pro development to other OSes and avenues I believe it would have a much better chance of being successful. For the price point it is at your

I think Max is great but a they keep cancelling a lot of the shows that make them great. Netflix has definitely gone down hill and it seems they think quantity is better than quality as they keep releasing cheaply made and generic shows instead of a few great shows which I feel is sinking them.

So this is the type of R&D investors money goes into, hmm...

Once viable I am betting this will be used most to treat Cellulite and Weight loss Surgery.  

To be fair, he did kind of put up Mike Pence as a target on the 6th of January. I mean, there were lots of potential targets, but I think Trump really wanted revenge on Pence.

The difference is he is giving specific targets now.

He’s going to end up getting someone killed eventually by one of his groupies and eventually face murder charges himself as he continues to think it’s okay to say whatever he wants and paint targets on backs. He really is like a mob boss.

Hey failtroll, how come “the best” presiderp’s underlings were all calling him stuff like stupid, idiot, fucking moron, crazy and insane behind his back? lol Hey failtroll, how come “the best” presiderp kept hiring people - “the best people” - who he later fired, or turned on him? lol

30% of the unemployed in Los Angeles California are employed fulltime and make over 42k. Newsom just raised the minimum wage of fast food restaurants to $20 an hour which puts them right below the cutoff rate for financial housing support which is sure to attract underpaid voters for him. The sad part though is

I’m somewhat torn on this whole thing. I support the union members collectively acting to improve their position. However, I’m uncomfortable with the union itself socializing the cost of taking that action. It feels too much like how Walmart underpays some employees to the point where they need public assistance

I don’t disagree with you. I believe most of that is true. Rape getting legalized is a little far fetched though but they may bend the rules on what makes rape a crime.  I also don’t believe Democrats are saints either. Honestly we need someone who is sincere in helping humanity and puts themselves after others and

It doesn’t matter if they’re religious. The point is that they’re implementing and supporting policies to turn the country into a Christo-Fascist state. They’ve already taken away abortion rights. Next they’ll take away women’s rights to a bank account followed by the right to have a job. It sounds insane, but that’s

It’s to help the middle class survive as companies like Amazon and others continue to pay their employees less and less and higher up execs triple their salaries. It would enforce that fair salaries are paid as the dollar worth continues to decline. Capitalism in the US has turned into modern day slavery. The gap

Newsome doesn’t remotely conduct himself like a centrist worried about appealing to middle America. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

I used to be a big Newsom supporter, but these last couple years he’s been making a series of horrible decisions. He totally messed up California’s covid response, he vetoed this, he vetoed another bill that was going to protect trans kids in custody disputes, and he’s pushing a borderline fascist policy involving