
Maybe they can fix the steering next. 

The Amazon Go by me charges like double the amount of a 711 nearby. I didn’t even use the service there as the mark up for it’s convenience was way to high. Amazon has been trying to corner every market by outselling them at a loss and then jack up the prices for everything 7 folds to make a huge profit back while

Just another narcists living in the same fantasy world Trump lives in and believes nothing can hurt him and he can do no harm. This will be quite a wakeup call.

I don’t know what has become of you Gizmodo but I do not like it!!!

NVM, I saw the warning they may earn commission. I see why it was posted now. There are thousands of signed prints of Wolverine and DeadPool out, I was just trying to understand why this was posted on Gizmodo but it makes sense, the thousands of other ads are not enough.

I was an early adopter of the QN900B back in 2022, convinced that 8k resolution was the future of TV. Especially with Sony’s promise of the PS5 as an 8k gaming system. However, reality fell short of expectations. Despite the hype, only a single title, ‘The Touryst,’ ever saw the light of day in true 8k.

Shift + Windows Options + S, keys to select a portion of the screeen or “print screen” to snap the whole screen for windows 10 & 11 as well.

What is this crap?

They sell pasteurized eggs. Those are the eggs they sell in the paper milk cartons. I used to get jugs of them as well.

I just deleted the app. We should just all start calling it Trump Tok.

TikTok lefties will be sad to hear this news.

If pasteurized Milk & liquids can not spread the bird flu why do they not sell pasteurized egg cartons instead of destroying them all and driving up eggs to $8 dollars a carton here in California?

live view while walking or the new immersive view are great new additions to the Google Maps app.

And yet they believe gas trucks and cars are great for us.

Same thing I was thinking. 

Nice, I missed that. I know prior some people hacked software to allow support but it was official. Will be nice when Sony a actually released drivers and software that supports it. Super excited for this now. 

Nice, I missed that. I know prior some people hacked software to allow support but it was unofficial. Will be nice when Sony a actually released drivers and software that supports it. Super excited for this now.

Just add PC support out of the box and release your PSVR exclusive titles on PC as well. Then come out with a new set that has PC Support from launch with better hardware and sell it for a profit. Turning PSVR in a leading platform for VR. Easy way to turn this ship around.

Curved cheap glass and heat don’t play well. Just look at the scratch test that are out there for more info about the quality of the glass.

Almost everything I thru at it weeks ago would get blocked. Nothing worked. Things like cute ducks worked, but Cute duck with machine guns didn’t or cute duck soldiers didn’t. I guess it is only for G rated content. I mean Elmer Fudd with a shot gun probably wouldn’t work either. Pretty lame