
The Sega Saturn and PS1 in 1994 and later on the Nintendo 64 in 1996. Mario 64 had looked better than anything I had ever seen. PC graphics took a while to catch up and my first graphics card was a 3DFX voodoo 1. Anyways, take your aggression and hostility somewhere else. 

I had Google remove a few movies I had bought from them. Months later I go to look for the movie and see Google offering it for purchase again. Little did I know buying videos off of digital platforms like Google and Apple doesn’t mean you actually own the video and they have the ability to remove it once their

I used to get so excited for new consoles but that was back when they destroyed PC graphics. Going to be quite a few more years before we see a console pass a 4090. Now that PCs dominate graphics I don’t get as excited about new consoles but current gen consoles really hold back pc graphics. 

The direction was all over 4th season and is my lease liked. The first season was the best and and has slowly declined every season since. Not looking or even caring who wrote each season that is my view point.

Elmo lives off the blood of humans so he ages much slower than typical beings. 

If this is true, if he had only paid the kid a little bit of money he would have never lost so much on Twitter. This is how being bull headed destroys someone, among everything else that people now hate about him.

I thought a lot of issues were addressed by an over the air update including the breaking issues weeks ago? 

The desperation just gets worse and worse. X is dead. 

He seems like a peach.

Sorry, I meant south of LAX.

Well that 20 minutes is a good day with no traffic. I am north of LAX in Rancho Palos Verdes. We got slammed Sunday from where I am at but since Monday it hasn’t been too bad. My friend from downtown LA had it worse coming into work.

its been drizzling here. I’m about 20 from LAX

You leave Elon Musk’s portrait alone!

Seems like it fizzled much sooner than expected. I thought today I was going to wake up to the apocalypses but it was only light rain. I think last week was worst.

I thought the last Evil Dead movie was great but kind of miss the goofiness of the early ones and the more recent Ash vs Evil Dead series.

I’m just playing but after some reports of cracked headsets come out this will probably be their solution.

Apple is working on a strap thick string that attaches around your neck to the device. If you do happen to knock it off your head the backup strap string will let it fall only midway down your upper body before catching it. This string will cost a measly $300 more and surely be worth it.

This is not what people are looking to buy in this economy. Ridiculous price for something that is probably running on a $30 dollar rasberry pi. Actually, here is an article from 2018 on how to build your own.

I love how every Republican likes to pretend Trump is not involved, even though he is in the flight logs flying with Epstein to NY on multiple occasions which was released over a year ago. There is also the fact Epstein recruited one of the underage girls from Trumps Mar-a-lago resort that Trump introduced him to.

Complaints I have seen and why I feel it will not do great.