
If you are taking a bus a couple blocks you are lazy.

What makes people think they can create these companies that are selling smoke n mirrors and scam millions out of investors and get away with it, I mean besides Magic Leap?

Nope, it’s being lazy. People don’t take a electric scooter to go grocery shopping for a week. There is no where to store the groceries. They are just being lazy.

America is getting lazy. I'm betting half of them vape as well.

Google designers don’t seem to be the brightest of the bunch.

Another Facebook flop they are throwing investors money at. 

October, 1 2019 - "The new iPhone XT is the best iPhone ever and you need to go buy one now cause it is so future proof and does everything better than last years model!" 

These cards are not future proof unless you plan to go back to 1080p and see that as the basic resolution that utilizes it’s new features that only allow for 1 item type of real time rendering at a time and framerates between 24-60fps. Honestly it’s a beta card aand their hardware still needs to evolve enough to allow

I am just messing around. I have no clue why he said it but I imagine the amount of stress he deals with from running such a large company and being a public figure is not easy. Lack of sleep can cause paranoia and people to lash out which could be the reason he has been acting the way he does lately. Lately the

It was a power play on his end.

I was thinking the same thing. I feel like Musk wouldn’t just say something like that without some type of evidence to back his claims. He is a billionaire tech genius and probably has multiple connections to hacker groups and other type of intl, etc, around the world that could easily get all the info they want about

It uses Nvidia Tegra. Probably same tech as GeForce Now.

Sorry, I’m an asshole and didn’t even think about that. Just the timing of the show and everything. Very crazy coincidence.

No, but I do think it is possible for some members of each political party to be collaborating together with Russia to manipulate the public and electoral outcomes, most likely for some type of financial benefit. Could be neither Trump or Hillary knows anything about it and Russia or whatever goverment wanted Trump to

Russia has been manipulating Republicans and Democrats in order to pin them against each other and cause a collapse in the United States Democracy from the get go. You have all been Pwn3d. There was a reason both Trump and Hillary were the picked to run against each other and both were horrible people. You think it’s

I agree it looks ugly but I am guessing when they release it there will be a dozen youtube videos praising the design and saying what a beautiful phone it is. Probably not that color but others for sure. Just like last years pixel xl 2. I do think Google does like to do the opposite thing people complain about and

The new season starts August 5th. Super stoked for that.

Those look like detachable addons. I believe one is an addon speaker that allows you to use a microphone remotely from the controller and project your voice from the drone. I imagine they designed it for people like me who live in Chicago and are afraid to leave their home in fear of being shot, totally makes sense

It’s been getting progressively more critical and shit talkingish. Especially when he mentioned creating a site that would let you rate journalists.