
Most things with AI are still not that impressive and when you think of AI it is still just in it’s infancy with a set of rules applied to a task. I still think it is far off before we have AI thinking for itself and being able to mimic human thought and make smarter decisions. I think intelligent AI will require

Oh how I wish we lived in a time again when news sites, especially tech sites did not post political crap 24/7 and comments were not full of high school type theatrical drama.

It would of been better if it was a Ninja that said that and then he/she threw down a smoke bomb and disappeared.

Maybe, I don’t see why else he would care.

Hopefully this doesn’t suck. I have such fond memories of Rare games as a kid. Wish Microsoft had done more with the company than release a couple games.

How long is this Stormy Daniels shit going to drag out? I don’t even know why he cared about hiding news about his affair.

I got an idea, VR classrooms and kids never leave the house. They will all have vr desk that they sit at and watch the teach from who is also in vr. Who needs reality anyways.

I used the camera app on my Pixel XL. The video is still bad with video stabilization. I’m wondering if it is even working.

All these kids acting like morons at Mc Donald’s were probably not even born yet when McDonalds did carry Szechuan sauce. I wanna smack the shit out of them.

I wish there was a way just to turn on the ringer for this instance only because usually at work I put it on vibrate and never turn the volume back up before misplacing it.

As long as blacks are okay with saying it you are going to have other races continue emulate black culture and use it in the same ways they do. As long as you have rap albums that use it you are going to have to deal with other races singing the songs that use it. It doesn’t make sense if the black race is going to

I never said white privilege doesn’t exist. What I am talking about has nothing to do with white privilege. It is that me and my friends can see each other as equals and is not based off race. I don’t know why anyone would be mad at me. All I am stating is how my friends and me are to each other. The world is in a

When you say the rest of us you are referring to yourself and PC people like you. You do not speak for everyone else on the planet. I am sure me and my black friends are not the only people in the world who would disagree with you.

He has done a lot for different charities and donated a lot to them as well, just google it. I think people need to stop associating the word nigger with the African American race. I’m the token white guy among my black friends and they tell me I’m their nigger all the time or they tell me I am being a nigger, they

I will wait for the revisions they make in a year to fix the warping and joy con connect issues with an upgraded nvidia chip.

Would of been better if it had a vial of poison you could take, like those Ninja swords they had sold when I was a kid. You never really know when you are going to get caught by a ninja.

Would of been better if it had a vial of poison you could take, like those Ninja swords they had sold when I was a

I got youtube red free when I signed up for google play music years ago. Google really messed it up on that one. I think it would be popular if they started putting out some decent films and content instead of all crap done by youtube celebs. Also everything looks like a B style flick. You are loaded google, invest

It will work but atleast one of the items should be corded to the router. I think with good AC router and wireless card you can cut the cord on both ends. But wired will always be faster. So basically you can play any games in your steam library. It also supports USB/Bluetooth devices. I have the steam controller and

Steam link does not use the internet. It uses your router to stream directly to your PC.