
You should get a steam link. I play all my games in multiple rooms off my PC and high-speed router without issues. It’s nice since you don’t need a high-end PC for each room

The Switch is the WiiU 2 and is doomed to failure as the WiiU was.

The Switch is the WiiU 2 and is doomed to failure as the WiiU was.

The Universe is 13.82 billion years old. This life is already a video game or simulation.

I imagine that hardware would probably have trouble running newer games.

Looks more like Mario 64, The worlds seem a bit bigger.

I would be much more impressed if I could zoom in on everything. I call BS.

I am not interested in a almost year old phone. I want bleeding edge technology!

I am not interested in a almost year old phone. I want bleeding edge technology!

I know what is wrong. It is missing Lava. Quake games need to have Lava and Murky water.

Super disappointing E3 this year, yet again.

They will probably have settings that detect if you are on a PS4 or PS4.5 and adjust the graphic settings accordingly.

That was more like an evolution in game controllers.

I have not been a fan of Nintendo since the Nintendo64. I never owned a Wii but picked up a WiiU because of how much I loved Mario64 back in the day. The WiiU is fun but I only own about 4 games for it and will probably not be buying anymore. The N64 back in the day had no real gimmicks and was a power house gaming

So I guess this means no 4k Gaming. Do I get two 1080's to get games to run smooth on my 4k monitor? Mine as well wait for the 1080TI if it offer’s double the performance of the 1080 like suggested in some other article. It seems like technology is evolving so much slower now-a-days, all I want is 5k gaming at 90FPS.

It has been delayed in order to support VR.

Where are the 4k SLI benchmarks? That is what I want to see.

Is that the first iPhone?