
Is this "The Secret, Part II"?

Don't forget $20 dollars in tax and $20 dollars in shipping of you buy it direct from NVIDIA. Ripoff, one of the reasons I cancelled my order.

I will probably pick up a WiiU once it is down to $150. The games so far have been unimpressive and I am disappointed with the new 3D Mario adventure coming out. I was hoping it would be more huge and explorable like Mario 64 and Sunshine. Not something that looks like a cross between the side scroller Super Mario

Is it still bad at displaying text that are not graphics from the complaint I heard somewhere on here I think?

Looks similar to the little big planet side-scrolling 3d style action. If only this was a real 3D Mario game. Nintendo fails again. Why do they have such a hard time listening to what the fans want. It's like they want to shoot themselves in the foot.

I think Microsoft had the best offerings but charging $499 plus the other crap such as DRM and fees for used games along with having to connect to the internet to be allowed to play have doomed themselves to fail. I was really excited for the Xbox One from a game standpoint but I am for sure going with a PS4 now at

This looks like crap. Miss the days of Mario 64. Nintendo sure has gone down the shitter.

Is this the new flat design of iOS7?

The story of Earths existence goes:

It was a joke.. sheesh.. Not making fun of him for doing this.. just thought the pose was a little funny..

They just need to kill off RT. It was a dumb idea to do a separate OS for both phone and tablets. They should just work on merging both those and then just work on stream lining Windows 8. I prefer it actually over 7 myself. It has a few hiccups but its quicker and programs are faster to navigate if you spend the time

You can tell that kid gets laid a lot

Where is Chicago? Jeez..

I have seen a few articles on here lately about pixel art and all rip off the look of Sword and Sworcery. The style of pixel art used with Sword and Sworcery much defers from classic Atari and ColecoVision games and it is easy to tell whose style artist are emulating. I don't see any originality in artist trying to

The size of an HTPC.

I love living in the city in a highrise. The suburbs suck. Everything is so far away and inconvenient to get to unless you have a car. The city is filled with great bars, events, and festivals. You rarely see any of that in the suburbs, at least comparable to anything you would find in the city.

If you think this is hot, wait till people see my invisible mouse invention!!!

This gives me hope I someday will own a Star Trek replicator. 8.. ) Tears of joy...

Trailer does not look as bad as it is going to be.

How does it do with Bitcoin mining? :P