
It's not going to be about "the mythology of Doomsday." That's just the Avclub willfully misrepresenting a throwaway comment for clicks.

Yeah. In fact I've probably read way too much of the comments around here when it comes to DC movies.

You must be new here. Round these parts we're more like "Hurr, durr, Grimdark, Angry Superman, Why so srs? Why no fun in DC movies? ;Lol no jokes, Give all the DC movies to Bruce Timm and Berlanti instead."

First trailer is released: "Hurr, durr, Grimdark, Angry Superman, Why so srs, ;Lol no jokes."

Lolwhat? That was the most hamfisted, simplistic "aren't we soo clever throwing in nods to present day politics via the past" bit the show has done yet.

If you're going to whine about them messing up the precious "continuity", at least make sure that they have messed it up in the first place.

Nope. That's Bethany Snow, an entirely different character.

Non of those histrionic points are exactly true but whatever.

Yeah, exactly. You even have people throwing around "But, but in 'Destroyer', they showed the JL saving people! Also the Buildings were all empty, honest!" Lol, neither of witch is true of course. There wasn't any saving displayed and when Superman smashes Darksied through the Daily Planet, it's shown to be filled

I deserved that.

First!!!! (Sorry)

Haha, yeah. It also undermined any sympathy we were supposed to feel for Farah over being berated fro her Hijab. I mean, bitch you work for the CIA, what do you expect?

Wow, this show took such a gradual lurch into ant-Iranian, pro-Sanctions propaganda, that I didn't even notice!

Chica Halcon, I think.