
Biblical literalists, like most Christians, generally recognize a divide between Old Testament and New Testament when it comes to laws. If a law given in the OT is not reaffirmed in the NT, it no longer applies. For example: Sabbath Day rest and circumcision.

Not illegal, just not conducted by the CDC.

Do you have a source for who that is? I would like to read about this.

A hundred times yes, there should be a way to challenge one's presence on the no-fly list!

Don't resist!

Might be postponed due to the recent atrocity.

They still have ageless wonder Buffon, though…

I looked it up - you're right. Gun Control Act of 1968 18 U.S.C. sec. 922.

That would probably pass 5th Amendment muster.

I'm part of a fairly conservative (theologically) strain of Christianity, and I've never heard of anyone quoting Leviticus to call for the execution of gay folks.

I called it in yesterday's soccer corner!

I wish it would have turned on him last year.

He may not be expressing it in the best possible way, but he has a point.


Nothing to see here… wrong WOT.

Sorry for the delay, if anyone's been eagerly awaiting these… I was at a late supper. Anyways…


How about this: it's demise paved the way for Eliza Coupe to be on Happy Endings!

Season 9 was actually pretty darn good! It just should have been a different show instead of taking the Scrubs title.

Yep. There was a sharp divide in self-identified Evangelicals ('cause those are the only Christians the polls singled out) between those that don't attend church regularly (who voted for Trump) and those that do (who are some of the biggest opposition to Trump).