
DEP sure makes a fine abbreviation for department, though.

I don't know. I think "too scripted" is a matter of personal taste. I never saw him as any more scripted than most politicians. And his charisma made up for it, in my view.

Sheer stubborness. He should have been out after NH.

Not even his kids.

He isn't? At the very least, fivethirtyeight has him as less conservative than the average Republican Congressperson. http://tinyurl.com/z73n9yx

I disagree.

I'm sure that's true of Trump supporters, but I really don't think that's true of most of the people now voting for Cruz. They just coalesced behind the candidate with the best chance to stop Trump.

What is moderate if not on the left side of the Republicans or on the right side of the Democrats?

Because of one bad soundbite from one debate? Or because he was forced by the presence of Trump to pivot away from his original, optimistic campaign message to attacks and insults?

Kasich dropping out would help Cruz, in all likelihood.

I think Rubio would have had an excellent shot.

I'd love a Rand Paul nomination. Too bad it'll never happen.

They'd be better off drafting Romney.

If I was a Democrat, I'd be salivating at the prospects of taking back at least the Senate in a year with a very unpopular Republican POTUS nominee (and in which the seats up for grabs already favored the Democrats).

And probably dooming the Republicans for an election they'd be favored to win if Trump hadn't ever run.

Yeah, but he's way down from the %70-ish that he was a short time ago.

That would just lead to chaos in the House, again. It wouldn't be smart, either. If Ryan ever runs for POTUS, it has to be more than one election cycle after his VP run.

As a Republican, I'd love if they could get someone else nominated (my choice was Rubio), but I greatly prefer Cruz to Trump (I'd probably greatly prefer that someone else to Cruz).

Should have just filled out a perfect bracket that one year when Warren Buffett had promised a billion dollars for oneā€¦

I think one NZT pill is survivable for normal people. Repeated use is what gets you.