
I always favored "I'll wager it all" anyways…

I'm saying he was a genuinely worthy ToC contestant.

'Cause I'm also that strongly anti-Democrat. I refuse to vote for Trump because he shows no indication of sharing my (conservative) beliefs about politics (rather than just saying whatever will get him votes). The same is true for any potential Democrat candidate.

Hey, if you're going to build a wall on the Mexican border, it's only fair to build one on the Canadian border!

He's being an asshole, that's what he's doing (he's counting on getting something out of a brokered).

Eh, it'll be entirely a symbolical vote. I'm fully aware that a write-in will never stand a chance at actually winning a presidential election (though I have voted for a write-in Senate candidate that won, so…).

Count me part of #2 for the second and third reasons.

Which just proves he doesn't really care about his principles (and this applies to Kasich, too) - banking on a brokered convention is a good way to ensure a Trump nomination and drive the political balance center-left instead of center-right.

Yep. I wish he'd drop out, endorse Rubio, and hint to Rubio that he'd love a SCOTUS nomination (which of course he wouldn't get 'cause he'd have real trouble getting confirmed even with a Republican Senate).

Natalie Morales is the queen of reaction shots. That is all.

Yeah. I don't understand why liberals aren't openly celebrating this whole Trump thing.

I'm not going to vote Democrat, but if Trump's the nominee, some lucky third party candidate's getting my vote.

Hilary's not going to hold back in attacking Trump like the idiots in the GOP field did.

If it wasn't for SCOTUS nominees, I would be much less alarmed about Trump. I don't mind all that much having a president of the opposing party in the White House, 'cause a president can't really do all that much without Congressional support.

It's gonna take a Cruz drop-out and endorsement of Rubio, I think.

I think the evangelicals thing needs to be taken with a grain of salt. They're all self-identified as evangelical, with no real definition of what evangelical means. It's a real squishy term.

If my memory is any good (no guarantee of that!), when they didn't trust him at the beginning of the show, he wasn't allowed to know their names. He learned later, but continued calling them Mike and Ike.

Cruz could (maybe) stop him, too, if Rubio dropped out, but he'd have a much poorer chance in the general election.

Nevada's dumb. South Carolina's dumb. New Hampshire's dumb.

It's going to be awesome when we learn Mike's real name and Brian continues to call them Mike and Ike.