
This right here? This is how you give an excellent interview, guy I've never heard of!

It starts a bit rocky. I'd say you need to stick to it through at least Headquarters!.

Hey, I've been around for years. YEARS! Though I do mostly stick to commenting on WOT and the shows I watch, as well as AVQ&A if I find it interesting and What Are You Reading This Month if I notice it before it disappears from the front page.

I would have gone with Higher Power, but… my sentiments exactly.

It wasn't that good for the first 6 or so episodes.

The Limitless review is finally happening? Huzzah! Let's hope tomorrow's episode isn't kind of a dud like last week's was.

So, I will not be around WOT tomorrow, as I will be busy trying to sleep when it goes up. Here's why - my Jeopardy! in-person audition is on Wednesday morning! Wish me luck, if you so choose.

If you want to hear from actually players, JJ Redick's Vertival Podcast is pretty good.

Yeah, the book most definitely does not stick the landing.

Are you kidding? You're kidding, right? They all looked fine to me.

Agreed in full.

I'm guessing AP Style is the relevant guide.

They might if they read the not-classic 80's reference book Ready Player One

Sarah said Obama, I think. Niki said Byrd.

Before FJ, I was just thinking that Niki might have a chance in the TOC… then she went and lost.

I really didn't want Sam to win.

Jason Sudeikis is a legit basketball player, too (as evidenced by his SNL intro shot in which he played a second or so of good basketball).

Jason Sudeikis is a legit basketball player, too (as evidenced by his SNL intro shot in which he played a second or so of good basketball).

How is figuring out that San Marino rhymes with Dan Marino a $16k clue? Granted, I realize these kids may not ever have seen him play, but still!

Considering that's basically the only place he's campaigned, that's not a surprise.