

You clearly don't read the What's on Tonight comments, where @Matthew Stechel and I have been trying to get the word out for months.

Yeah, JAG had peak Catherine Bell!

Well, I mean, he's only in every Marvel movie…

Sure, but that doesn't mean I can't get mad at people for not watching it.

As an Alaskan, I am mortally ashamed I couldn't come up with Seward Peninsula. Best I could do was "the one where Nome is."

I learned long, long, long, long ago to separate the artist from the art. I'm not going to insist you do so, but you really get the best of both worlds doing it (you know, hating the artist and still getting to enjoy the art).

Limitless is new tomorrow. Check it out, maybe! (Also, an interview isn't quite as good as regular coverage, but it's a step in the right direction, so hurrah!)

Hey, tell everyone else to catch up on The Grinder already - especially the Nielsen folks.

I bet she's got a bunch of classmates who are just enamored of her.

But it's bad for the environment, too, not just the undersides of cars.

Don't use rock salt. It's bad. Use gravel, instead.

I was talking about the second "the," which must never have been there.

I always thought it was On the Origin of the Species, so I learned something today.

The most surprising thing about this show being good is that Josh Peck is actually growing on me.

I love this show so much.

The Tomorrowland theater trailer was much better than this teaser trailer - just the protagonist reacting to the pin when she gets it with her possessions on release from jail.

But you guys set it all in motion.

Yeah, but did you have to blow up all iterations of Earth across the multiverse?

That might be a positive for Vogons. I mean, they did blow up the world…