I’ve never understood everyone’s need to make her into some kind of sympathetic figure or quasi-ally. She is not those things. She never has been.
I’ve never understood everyone’s need to make her into some kind of sympathetic figure or quasi-ally. She is not those things. She never has been.
I really don’t care, do u?
Those against Trump, or who have any shred of decency in their body, will continue to seethe. The conservative faithful will ignore this like they’ve ignored everything else that’s contradicted their supposed Christian values and moral superiority. Nothing will ever make them change their minds about Herr Cheeto.
I feel the same about TMZ and the Daily Mail. If the link is to any of those three, I don’t click. There are probably others, but those are the three that come immediately to mind.
When we eat fast food, isn’t it always a DGAF meal?
That she has to spell it out so cleanly says something about how the media latches on to the very people who bemoan ‘pc culture’.
I’m in favor of political correctness. I’m suspicious of those who have a problem with it. I think it is language for something else–for ‘It’s O.K. to make racist jokes,’ or ‘It’s O.K. to make violence-against-women jokes.’
Honestly? Because I think most people, especially public school systems, don’t give a shit until they risk losing something valuable to them. That tends to be money and not much else.
Uhhh... Kate is LEGITIMATELY decent at sports. She’s an avid skier and apparently competed in cross country, swimming, tennis, and field hockey in high school. She had to stop rowing crew at some point during or after university because the paparazzi ended up being a safety concern.
I can say this is really common for those of us with MS. It’s extremely weird experience and comes at you from a lot of directions that people can write off as something unimportant. I was fortunate enough when i was diagnosed that my symptoms were more physical and obvious, so my doctors got me into an MRI right away.
I have so much respect for Selma Blair right now. Canes are a very fraught topic for people who need them because they’re so othering. Having a famous person unapologetically rock her (gorgeous) cane really matters for disability representation.
I can understand this. Close members of my family have been dealing with chronic health issues for years now, and remain (despite test after test after test) undiagnosed. A diagnosis gives you a direction, reassurance that you’re not just going bonkers or are somehow weak or lazy. I’m glad she’s found strength in…
I just want this trend of everyone putting pictures of their naked bodies everywhere to stop. You’re never going to fix comparison and self-esteem issues by putting more things to compare people to out there. For every skinny girl, there’s an average girl going “ugh I’m ugly.” For every average girl, there’s a fat…
I’m glad Spike reminded everyone of the travesty of 1990. This time is just as bad. I mean, if they had to throw Green Book a bone, they could have just given Mahershala his Oscar and left it at that. Green Book as Best Picture winner is already aging badly and it hasn’t even been a full 24 hours since it won. It’s…
Damn near made coffee come out of my nose with this.
Wonderful news, but it’s a little unfair to judge many actors by what Emma Thompson can afford to do (moneywise or careerwise).
Why does it not surprise me to read that Melania is a terrible friend? Hmm.
I’m still not super angry at Malek taking a job, particularly something as ‘once in a lifetime’ as this, and which has been a really successful role for him - I’m angry at the studios/companies/people that keep picking Singer as a director. While some actors have a lot of choice in their roles, most people on a movie…