You blame sexism instead of blaming the DNC. You blame “rhetoric” about Hillary, instead of blaming Hillary.
You blame sexism instead of blaming the DNC. You blame “rhetoric” about Hillary, instead of blaming Hillary.
When will the big fuck yous come out for Hillary Clinton for running a garbage campaign, and for being unable to match Obama’s performance with blue collar white voters in the rust belt which would have let her win. Everyone who voted for her in the primary supported an unelectable candidate, and told themselves…
It’s a total meltdown here today.
Yeah, because the rest of the world was really taking us seriously under Obama, HAHAHA!
Or how about fuck the Dem party for conspiring to block a popular candidate to nominate a lying criminal instead.
Florida results:
Hillary would have lost even if all 3rd party voters had voted for her. Majority of white voters voting Trump and the gutting of the of the Voting Rights Act, that probably took away votes that she could have used to swing a couple states, is the reason.
Hey Kara...where were you when she ran against a far less qualified in Obama??
This is actually the highest ever.
The females of Jezebel are some drama queens today!
Hey, is that a Rapist behind her?
Oh please. Barf.
There is a major positive coming out of a President-Elect Trump, and hear me out please. For months, and especially in the Primaries, the argument that I heard again and again against Hillary’s lies, money grabbing, and corruption was “B-BUT TRUMP!”. Now that she has lost, to Trump (badly) I hope we can put this meme…
Why do people make the idle threat to “move to Canada” every four years? There is nothing to gain from that declaration, and you look silly when you, of course, don’t follow through.
Keep telling yourself that and miss the point why you lost the election. This isn’t push back against Obama. It’s a push back against polished, lifetime Washington politicians,
They bear some blame, but maybe people should have listened when the polls showed Bernie running better against Trump than Clinton did.
More like shittiest Democratic presidential candidate ever
Just stop. Hillary abandoned a huge part of her base who were concerned over economic issues. Tonight they abandoned her. She lost PA/Ohio/Mich/Wisc not over social issues but because they’ve been left behind in this recovery. They were tarred as dumb racist idiots who were voting against their interests when they…