
I stopped reading at "A few years back, scientists found that high-fiber foods..."
If you actually link over to the article, these scientist actually show that the process of cell destruction is GOOD for you. This is literally some person's blog and their own opinion about how this roughage doesn't sound good to them.

Cool, it's definitely awesome that tax payers are paying to fuel this gas guzzler, because there's no way to out run a cop in a normal cop car, it's not like they have any technology that would allow them to communicate to another cop up ahead, or any technology to somehow identify a speeder's car, and see who it was

So...he's a racist. That pretty much just ends it for me, period. All the other stuff is just shitty icing on the racist cake.

I grew up in a heavily Italian-American part of NJ and didn't see much of this. That being said it was a very, very white collar area.... the ones who were more er..... "traditional" (I hate to say that).... tended to be the more working class ones.

So wearing underwear is some kind of magical rape barrier or something?

Someone's trying to swag jack JT...