A delightfully disgusting website seeks to expose the savage behavior of human beings on airplanes. And it is truly,…
A delightfully disgusting website seeks to expose the savage behavior of human beings on airplanes. And it is truly,…
It's Dallas. The pretentious part of Texas. I hate to say this, but I'm not totally shocked by it.
They took 5.9 Billion from DOE, that's not related to the AIFP, and i'm sure was paid back promptly. Not 4 years later for a loss.
I'd have to say I agree with the general concensus of this article. I know that a lot of people think a truck should have rubber floor mats, a bench seat, and a manual transmission and hate the tarted up, luxury trucks.
Do explain your "Can't take it?" comment... You make it sound like it is a bad thing to own your own business.
Can you blame them?
Labor unions produce some of the laziest, most overpaid workers in the industry. No fucking surprise.
Considering that nearly EVERYONE has a horror story about dealing with a dealer, I'd say there are plenty of pissed off people out there.
Damn, I thought us Americans (U.S. Americans?) had a corner on racism. Judge the guy on his unsafe driving, not on where was born or what his name sounds like.
So given that logic, I get paid by the year, And If I find that an unsuitable amount of money should I be allowed to take computers and printers home to sell?
You know because I want to make as much money as possible too you know.
I just wanted an AEV Jeep with the bottomless liquor cabinet and shotguns.
Ugly? I think this is prettier than the new Escalade. I prefer my luxury SUV's less gaudy and more classy. That's my opinion though. It just has a more refined, grown up and sophisticated look. It makes the Cadillac look like a cartoon.
I disagree...it's totally fine to relish this.
Friend of mine has a platinum f150... that truck does everything... I half expect there to be a hidden blowjob function.
Do you ride a bicycle everyday to your job? don't waste gas! wake up a few hours earlier and save the world!
4X4 means you just get farther before you are irreversibly stuck.
I have students that are Autistic and developmental disabilities.
In before "LINCOLN SUX!!!1!" comments.
I'd heard of rubberneckers and experienced their traffic but I'd never seen it physically taking place.