
"Awwwww........the Denver Broncos."

Area 51?

I still have dreams of the announcer yelling LOHAUS!!!!

I love all of the cheesey Detroit logos....but I can't stand the '94 one. It might of been because they were horrible that year.

A shame that Jim Ross wasn't there to call the donnybrook.

i could go for an entire wheel of cheese right now.

Wedding Mime. Halloween 2014 costume idea.

Ziggy Piggy!

In hopes in attracting hipster girls i will convert my Mazda 6 into the World's Smallest Food Truck.....and make waffles. Lots of waffles.

I really hope Rachel Ray has a really really dark side. I can see her in black leather and wearing vampire fangs.

Loved him in P&R. Loved him in Guardians

I enjoy Grantland. I like the Simmons mailbag and 80% of Rembert's stuff. The Masked Man writes a great column. I can't recall the last time I went to for anything. Instead all day at work I'm on Gawker sites now. Hail Deadspin. Hail Jezebel. Hail Hydra.

Ohhhh Kirk Cameron pulled a Boner....

Well....good thing the jerseys are a blood red color.

"This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the Alaska."

As a Detroit Lions fan, I just got the shivers.

The last time I cried of happiness was Desmond/Penny finding each other.


Loved the third book as well for all of the reasons you mentioned. It's rare for me to feel satisfied after readying a series like that.

*Waves hi to the woman to the glasses*