
I guess. But only if the treadmill is long as a runway. I was thinking of a treadmill the length of a plane or two. In this case the plane would fall the treadmill before taking off. I guess the other way to state this is that a big enough fan could allow a plane to take off from stationary, which is why they tie

So it really doesn’t hold a candle to the GLS AMG? What is it about the amg that makes it seem good, if you had the money, while this fails so miserably?

I always love the “you mean I have to take my belt off?...” guy. This is gonna blow his mind

Sounds like it needs power steering fluid

He never had to worry about parking or valets.

This could be a great range extender for one of those cheap Nissan leafs. Park at an inconveniently located charging station and ride to your destination

So basically two yards. I thought the official measurement of a yard is the distance from my aunts nose to her thumb.

67 inches? What is that, like 2 yards?

No matter how many layers of that matte black paint they apply, the rebel battle flag still bleeds through.

No matter how many layers of that matte black paint they apply, the rebel battle flag still bleeds through.

What sport is this? Your videos won’t play on my work computer and you never mention what obscure sport this is. I’m hoping it is Jai alai; the US definitely needs a comeback in that sport.

How do I get out of the greys?! I have too much quality snark to be relegated to the grey!

That bodywork is a swan beak away from an origami masterpiece.