Team Punkass

I've mainly done it on road trips since I try to minimize my stops - but even then it's just a plain cheeseburger from McD's

My favorite pizza place is 45 minutes from my house. I usually pick up a pie and head home and reheat a few slices to shkoff down.

yup - my 1st miata was a '91 with the 1.6 and it'd probably run 16.5. I haven't driven one of the newer ones for fear I might have to buy a s/c kit for my '03 :)

The Miata's definitely aren't that slow - my old '00 made 117rwhp and I managed a 15.38 @ 88 at Gateway and I have a bunch of 15.4x time slips from Englishtown. And that's with the extra weight of a rollbar.

how long until someone in 2nd crosses the line to hopefully catch the draft and pass? NHRASCAR HERE I COME!

Crazy save, great driving - but it makes the story a lot less awesome for me knowing the other driver lifted.

Now playing

This is probably my favorite part of all his comedy

I got Jalop'd :)

The NBs are much better than the 1st gens - you could probably fit 2 small children in there.

Sterling, VA - birth place of Mr. Patton Oswalt!

Wait, this is frowned upon?

Likely lol. I think heir only exercise when they leave the office is Call of Duty :)

Interesting stuff they dig up in the facebook group. He had a prior order of protection against him from '06 (he was 19) by a woman for domestic assault. Hopefully they get this fucker, and hopefully his past and his words about "puting people to sleep" lands him in jail for a long time.

we have some big guys where I work - mostly in the server group.

Great news!

15% of riders have encountered incidents, not incidents 15% of the time.

While I agree that 7% is considered a small number when talking statistics, that means 1 in 14 cars is likely piloted by an asshole that has no problem using their car as a weapon against a rider on their motorcycle for lane splitting.

That's the scarier part for sure.

Wait that's not him? WHEN WILL THIS INSANITY END?!?!?!

it must be nice to make deals like this and think "Hey, it's not our money!", especially in Detroit during these economic times.