Team Punkass

Thanks for the info!! Good to see she's still doing some TV and showing that women can enjoy getting just as dirty working on stuff.

Just looking at the picture, I don't think anyone thought it was a real Ferrari

She is the bomb - I wish she was still on Xtreme 4x4.

I remember my parents having on of these when I was a kid, 35+ years ago.

How about removing this?

lol I like that - anything that's not a threat is good in my book

That was my first thought too - but I think this might piss him off more.

You only need 10% cash to get a bail bond usually.

I agree - this guy should spend a long time in prison even if James Foster manages to recover from the beating.

It looks like he had to make a new FB page yestrday, and is too dumb to make his facebook page private.

^^^^ This.

My boss drives a similar 3 series 'vert - thank god that was not in St. Louis.

Now playing

Many many props to Monsterajr, and all the dads and moms (I know some of you are just as nuts about cars as guys) who nurture and feed their child's love of cars.

$600,000? A mere bag of shells.

Every time they shift the engine rockets towards redline - like in Bad boys

I love the whole downshift to go faster movie bullshit. Like they're racing and have their foot to the floor and it doesn't sound like the motor is lagging a bit and BANG, I need to downshift.

Regardless of gender, if someone is interested in cars they will be invited to wrench/drive with other car people if they get out and meet other car people. If they're just not interested, it might not matter how hard you try to get them interested.

I wish I was good enough at GT5 to make it to this, it was interesting to watch last season, and I would kill for the opportunity they get.

I dunno if it's what she's famous for (I saw it here first lol), but it sucked. It's her reaction to finding out her ex is having a baby.

Now playing

Now I want to see them take the toilet and do the massive backflip ramp jump they did with the big wheel