Team Punkass

It's all I got lol.

You guys have inspired me to break out my old Sega Saturn and play some original Need for Speed. I just wish the memory still kept the old times my friends and I had from when it was new. We played the crap out of that game and used to get very quiet in the midst of a close race.

thank you lol

Next time a cop attempts to pull me over, I shall scream "it's ok, I go to church" out of the window and proceed with my day. I'm sure that will be sufficient enough.

"any Wrx would kill that car"

It was more handling than muscle - different front end geometry, 16" wheels, 4 wheel disk brakes, and Koni shocks were standard. The pedals were even designed to make heel-towing easier.

This will not be a popular answer.

You could have less than optimal grip if they're cold, but they seemed to do fine when Matt Farah was railing on it in the video from a few weeks ago.

A friend of a friend posted this on FB

Snoochie Boochies!

I thoroughly enjoy that the California Native Plant Society was so concerned about this bush's feelings on being seen as "formerly wild". It probably would've taken $1million and 20 years in therapy to resolve the bush's new issues, so they really saved Californians $750,000.

It's insanity.

That's very cool - good to see girls/women working on cars. I wish I could've done the same when I was her age.

Title issues - I love those CL ads "bla bla bla would make a great DD, great first bike bla bla bla BUT NO TITLE - EASY FIX TO GET ONE ONLINE!"

Suspended sentence? wow.

I'd guess more of a split since odd were she could've gotten 7 - 10

One rule

I wondered about the front end since it was missing the flip ups, didn't realize they ever changed the front end.

yup - 87mph

That beats Foust's world record if they can capture the douchey-assholery on radar.